On Tuesday, my NOA (Notice of Appointment) and contract arrived in the mail. I was excited to finally have my paperwork. I
felt like for the first time through this whole process with EPIK, I
could say it is official… I am hired. I knew I passed my interview in
November and on Christmas Day I found out that I was placed in Gangwon
Province (강원도). But the reality is until the contract and NOA were in my
hands it meant nothing. So even though I knew that I was going to teach
English in Korea, it had not hit me that I was leaving.
Looking around my room at the things that need to be packed, organized, donated, and sorted, I have a lot to do. And unfortunately time is ticking away. The realization that I am leaving in 4 weeks has not set in. Receiving the NOA and contract has definitely made leaving seem more real. So the next step in this whole process is to go to the Korean Consulate in Boston to get my visa. I hope that I can obtain a multi-entry visa so that I can travel easy while I am living in South Korea. I will be going to the consulate on Tuesday with a few other ladies who are also in the EPIK program. So it will be nice to do lunch after getting the visa. I shall let everyone know how it goes~