At my new Elementary school I have a connecting classrooms after school class. It sounds like a mouthful, which it is. One of the themes is to connect the students with pen pals in other countries and to share their culture. We also teach the students about other cultures and the like. I took a census as to what they want to learn. One of the things I need to prepare are pen pals in America. I am in contact with my old middle school that said they are willing to help me, but not sure of the details yet.

Our first pen pals are from Indonesia. My co-teacher has a friend in Indonesia who is a teacher and we sent our letters and culture box to them. The students told us what they wanted to be inside of their culture box that they were sending. My co-teacher went out and bought quite a few things and I thought I would share them with you. The kids are really excited about their new pen pals, hopefully we will hear back from them soon.
Off to mail our culture box with the kids. Yes, I happen to have my eyes closed in this picture. It is a very common trait of mine. Only 3 of the 13 students could come to mail the box, but that’s okay.