With my 31st birthday fast approaching I thought I’d give myself a little list of 30 facts about me. I’m sure I could write a bunch of other things, but I figure this is good enough. And most of all some are good for a laugh.
- I’m from Connecticut.
- I have 3 fathers. ( I only consider my most recent one ‘Dad’.)
- I’m the oldest child.
- A bird flew into my face when turning the corner once while living in Amherst, MA.
- I’ve been to England.
- I’ve been to India.
- I’ve been to Japan.
- I’ve been to Thailand.
- I’ve been to Tibet and will travel there again.
- I’ve jumped off of the Saybrook causeway after my phone, because it fell in the water. (Hello, dumbass!)
- I’ve lived in South Korea for almost 4 years.
- I’ve slipped on the ice because I stepped on and squished a banana outside my college cafeteria.
- I’ve backed into a light post by accident driving. (No damage to my car.)
- My first speeding ticket turned warning was because I was driving too fast while crying.
- I’ve never been skiing.
- I barely ate vegetables until I was 18.
- My biggest fear is of the unknown.
- I’ve volunteered teaching English to North Korean Refugees.
- I’ve studied 3 languages and can’t remember two of them (Hello Spanish and Japanese!)
- I’m a terrible liar. (Ask me twice and I’ll confess.)
- I swear too much. Fuck is my favorite word.
- I’ve been single by choice for 4 years.
- I’m a super emotional squish bug.
- I adopted 2 cats, Byuli and Dali.
- I’ve heard the Dalai Lama speak 3 times, twice in English, once in Tibetan.
- I’m accident prone, but don’t break bones easily.
- I went to buy chocolate, got bit by something (most likely a snake), and ended up in the hospital for a week.
- I have 15 piercings and I’d like to get one more.
- I have one tattoo.
- I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression and have come out on the other side. (We all have slip-ups though.)
And since the end of my 30th year is fast approaching, here is 31.
I have a tendency to choose to like people who are inconvenient due to timing, feelings, or location. Go fucking figure an epiphany like that would happen right before I turn 31!