Here in Chengdu there is a GGI ( Girl Gone International) wechat group which also has a fitness sub-group. As fate would have it August had a squat challenge and I decided to join to prove to myself I can keep a commitment.
I have never done well with exercise commitments so I figured this was a really good way to ease into habit changes towards a healthier me and my goals. The premise was to take a picture after completing the squats and submitting it to the group each day. We started with 50 squats and ended the month at 230 squats. I didn’t manage to do the last day as I was too tired so that was a shame, but it is okay. I completed 28 out of the 30 days, and managed to take 27 pictures as proof. All visible on my private fitness instagram account.
Originally I intended to take the photos of just me, but I thought it would be better to take them together with my daughter. To show that we did this together and it can serve as further inspiration for me in the future.
I found that she liked to be squatted to sleep sometimes and it worked in my favor. She sleeps and I get the exercise done. It didn’t always work, but a few days it did and that was awesome. I also squatted on most rest days as it helped calm her, so my rest days were few and far between sadly.
At the end of the challenge I felt really good about myself and the fact for most of the challenge I stuck with it. I am capable of change and having good habits. It was the boost I needed to believe in myself to move forward with habit change and becoming the role mode I envision. I still need to think of a workout routine to do more consistently, but slowly I will get there. I’m reworking my habit muscle and am going into September’s challenge with positivity. It’s a sub-group that is going sugar-free for September. I’ll update about that challenge later.