Holiday Alone Advice

The holidays are fast approaching and how I’ll be spending them came to mind. Although not much will change for me with how I keep in touch with family, I realize most of my friends and family back home might be experiencing their first holiday alone. Perhaps I can offer some insight into how to celebrate the holidays apart from loved ones.

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Motherhood I have always dreamed of since childhood Motherhood was once what I thought might never happen Motherhood I have now entered and yet Motherhood is not what I envisioned Motherhood isn’t the one of my dreams Motherhood came crashing down on me unexpectedly Motherhood that wasn’t ready for a preemie Motherhood that has been dotted with anxiety Motherhood during a pandemic Motherhood with limited interaction Motherhood felt with moments of isolation Motherhood filled with…

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Embodying Health

For over the past month, I’ve been at battle with myself and my habits in my head. Luckily, I learned my sister was about to embark on a new health journey and I decided to join in. My current effort in the first week, I failed on five and a half days. My first two and a half days I did awesome , minus not exercising. Here I am sitting down after having eaten three…

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A New Star

I’ve chosen to think that a new star has graced the sky tonight. I’m not sure I will be able to see it here in the city, but the thought should offer some solace. A candle has finally burnt out and its scent still lingers. There are a thousand metaphors I could create and yet they all mean the same in the end: today we said goodbye.

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It Takes a Village

“It takes a village to raise a kid,” so often we hear this echoed, and yet our society no longer reflects this. Back home most people live as a nuclear family and their extended family may or may not live closeby. Even if they do, one shouldn’t expect them to help with raising a child. This is why so many children are in daycare when they are only a few months old or couples choose…

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Naming Our Child

{Since I first drafted this post our daughter was born and has a given name. Given the fact that she was a preemie I find it extremely fitting for her.} Many moms and dads -to-be have names for their future children picked out long before they start families. I’m not one of those people. I hate picking names or naming people or things. For the last six and a half years I have had students…

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A Thank You to My Husband

I don’t publicly boast about my husband much or if at all, but he has been really good to me while I have been pregnant and through the birth of our daughter. My husband is a fabulous cook and normally we split the cooking or I do more of it, but during my first trimester I felt nauseous all the time and had a busy school schedule which left me exhausted by the time I…

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